Living as People of Mission
The pivotal moment of the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven marks the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of a new chapter in the story of redemption. It is a moment of triumph, as Jesus, the Son of God, returns to the Father in glory, seated at His right hand.
The ascension of Jesus reaffirms his divinity and sovereignty over all creation. It signifies the completion of his earthly mission, which was to reconcile humanity with God through his sacrificial love. As Jesus ascends, he leaves behind a promise – a promise of his continued presence with us through the Holy Spirit and a promise of his eventual return in glory.
But what does the ascension mean for us, the followers of Christ, two thousand years later? It calls us to reflect on our own journey of faith and discipleship. Just as Jesus entrusted his apostles with the mission of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth, so too are we called to be witnesses to his love and truth in our time and place.
The ascension challenges us to lift our eyes beyond the concerns of this world and to fix them on the things that are above. It invites us to transcend our earthly attachments and desires and to seek first the kingdom of God. It reminds us that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven, and our true home is with God.
The ascension challenges us to live as people of mission. Just as Jesus commissioned his disciples to go forth and make disciples of all nations, so too are we called to share the good news of salvation with others. We are called to be instruments of God’s grace and mercy, bringing healing and reconciliation to a broken world.