The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is to assist the Pastor in establishing objectives, goals and strategies for the parish community. It considers those ministries and services that are needed for the growth of a living parish community through reflection, planning and action. The PPC must carefully consider the needs of the faithful and search for the means that will adequately respond to those needs.
If you have any contributions to make to the PPC, please contact Sandra Fragoso, Parish Pastoral Council Chair.
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to assist the Pastor in the administration of the parish. Since fiscal transparency is of upmost importance, all parishioners are welcome to approach a member of the Committee at any time.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Lectors read from the Old and New Testaments at each Mass during the week and on the weekends. Parishioners of all ages are welcome to join this Ministry to help spread the Word of God.
If interested in volunteering, please contact the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in distributing Eucharist at either the Sunday or weekday Masses and in distributing Communion to shut-ins. Training is provided.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
The Liturgy Committee is comprised of leaders of various ministries such as music, lectors, ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, children’s liturgy and altar servers. The group meets two or three times a year with pastoral staff to assist in overseeing the liturgical life of the parish.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
All boys and girls, having received First Communion are encouraged to consider becoming altar servers.
Please contact the parish office if you wish to serve in this ministry. Training provided.
Women and Men are invited to provide a very special service in their exercise of a liturgical ministry. Ushers strive to improve the quality of Sunday worship through warmly greeting and finding seating for parishioners.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Sacristans assist the priests and deacon in taking care of the vessels, vestments, altar linens, candles, etc. that are required for liturgical ceremonies.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
There is a Junior Liturgy program offered in the Parish Hall during the 9:00 a.m. Masses. Junior Liturgy will resume October 15, 2023. All children between the ages of 4-8 are invited. Parents are welcome to attend with their children. No registration is required.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Our Sunday Choir is directed by Shirley Kelliher. Each Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, our Sunday Choir shares their gifts with our congregation.
Once a month our Youth Choir joins us at one of our Masses, led by Sheila Fowler.
We have many talented musicians at St. Joseph’s Parish including, Theresa Whalen-Witjes, Emily Krasna and Megan, Tim Scolili and Stacey Check-Drumm.
Our Choir and musicians take a well deserved break during the summer months and will return in September.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Are available when requested.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Seniors in our Parish community and beyond are invited to enjoy Bridge and Euchre in St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Wednesday afternoons at 12:30 p.m., September – June. Light refreshments are served. Cost: $2. Welcome back card players! Our next date for cards is 23 March 2022.
For more information, please contact the parish office.
Extendicare – The Ministry at the Nursing Home, Extendicare, is a ministry within St. Joseph’s Parish, to provide Mass and the Sacraments to its Catholic residents. Mass is celebrated once a Month by a parish priest or a Communion Service is led by a deacon, assisted by a group of lay people.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound – Ministry to the Sick and Homebound was initiated so that those parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish community who are unable to attend Mass might benefit from having the Eucharist brought to their residences. Volunteers, on the first Friday of each month, go in pairs to those parishioners who have requested this service.
If you are interested in a visit from our Pastoral Care Ministry team, please contact the parish office.
St. Joseph’s Parish is now accepting e-transfers. Please use the email address and it will be deposited directly into our account. We also will continue to accept donations through direct deposit (please contact the parish at 613-547-5004 for a sign-up sheet), cash and cheque. Thank you for your continued support.
Grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ through liturgy, Eucharistic worship and outreach, Saint Joseph’s Parish calls the faithful to an active involvement in parish life and responsible participation in extending Christ-like values to the wider community.