December 24, 2024

Emmanuel – God is with us

Christmas Reflection 2024

Emmanuel- God is with us


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Today we celebrate the wondrous mystery of Christmas—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the stillness of the night, in a humble stable in Bethlehem, God entered human history in the most profound and personal way. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, bringing light, hope, and salvation to a world overshadowed by darkness.

Christmas is not just the story of a baby born in a manger; it is the fulfillment of God’s eternal promise to save His people. Jesus is Emmanuel—God with us. He came to bridge the gap between heaven and earth, to reconcile us to the Father, and to show us the depth of His love.

In the simplicity of the manger, we are reminded that God does not seek grandeur or power as the world understands it. Instead, He reveals Himself in humility, vulnerability, and love. This is a powerful message for us: God meets us where we are, even in the messiness of our lives, and offers us His peace and joy.

The angels declared to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy for all people.” This good news is not just for the powerful or the privileged; it is for everyone—the poor, the broken, the sinner, the outcast. Jesus’ birth is a reminder that in God’s eyes, every person matters, and every soul is worth redeeming. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that Jesus’ birth is God’s ultimate expression of love. Are we aware of His presence in our daily lives? Do we make room for Him in our hearts, just as Mary and Joseph made room for Him in their lives?

The manger teaches us that greatness lies in humility. Are we willing to serve others, especially those in need, with the same love and selflessness that Jesus shows us?

Finally, in a world often filled with uncertainty and hardship, Christmas reminds us that Jesus is the light that overcomes all darkness. Do we bring His light to others through our words, actions, and prayers?

Let us carry the joy and meaning of Christmas into our everyday lives. May the Christ-child inspire us to live with humility, love, and a deep sense of gratitude. As we gaze upon the manger, may we be reminded that God’s greatest gift to us is His Son, and our greatest gift to Him is a heart open to His will.

I wish you all and your families a Merry Christmas and blessed New Year 2025.

Yours in Service

Fr. Cosmas