November 22, 2024

Christ the King Reigns

Christ the King Reigns

 Today, as we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, the Church invites us to reflect on the kingship of Jesus Christ—a kingship unlike any earthly rule. This feast, established in 1925 by Pope Pius XI, reminds us that Christ reigns over all creation with love, justice, and peace.

In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the final judgment, where the King will separate the sheep from the goats. This scene is not meant to frighten us but to challenge us to live in a way that reflects the values of Christ’s kingdom: love, mercy, and service to others.

What kind of subjects are we in Christ’s kingdom?

Christ does not demand loyalty through force but invites us into a relationship of love and trust. Are we attentive to His voice, like sheep who recognize their shepherd? Do we allow His teachings to guide our daily lives?

Do we recognize Christ in others? Jesus challenges us to see His face in the marginalized and vulnerable. Serving them is not optional but essential for those who claim Him as King. How often do we extend our hands in love to those in need?

Do we trust in His ultimate victory? Even when the world seems chaotic, we are called to trust that Christ is King and that His kingdom of justice and peace will prevail. This faith encourages us to persevere in doing good.

As we end the liturgical year, this feast reminds us to recommit ourselves to living under the reign of Christ. Let us make Him the center of our lives by embracing His call to love, serve, and build His kingdom on earth.