Catholic Womens League NEWS and REMINDERS: The Executive meeting is on Monday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. ● Our recycling efforts are great, but are getting a bit time-consuming. We remind everyone that ITEMS MUST BE CLEAN before you drop them off. ● The CWL Christmas Gift and Bake Sale (December 7/8 weekend) will be accepting donations of items for the Gift/Craft tables, and also for use in the raffle baskets. Small items required for $1 table. Parishioners are welcome to donate as well if they so desire. The non-perishable drop-off dates are Tuesday, Nov. 26 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 27 from 5-7 p.m. Baked goods are being accepted on Friday, Dec. 6 from 10-3 p.m. and before every Mass on the December 7-8 weekend. Thank you for your generosity. ● CWL Members: Please place Election Nomination envelopes in the CWL Mailbox in the sacristy or in the weekend collection baskets by Sunday December 1, 2024. ● Our Christmas Potluck & Appreciation dinner after the 5:15 Mass on Monday, Dec. 9th