Monday – 5:15pm
Tuesday – 9:00am
Wednesday – 9:00am
Thursday – 9:00am
Friday – 5:15pm
Please support our local business who sponsor our parish bulletin. This week’s bulletin was sponsored by:
Our goal is to provide you with information and items of interest that you will find helpful as a parishoner or visitor to our parish.
FOR VOLUNTEERS – Archdiocese of Kingston Guidelines for Volunteers & Lay Employees
December 17, 2024
Letter to the People of God from CCCB – Anniversary of Papal Visit
July 31, 2024
Letter from Archbishop Mulhall – Irish Immigrants Funeral August 7, 2024
July 31, 2024
Here I am Lord, send me.
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) focuses on God’s call and our response. The readings highlight how God’s grace transforms ordinary people into His messengers. The central theme is the call to mission despite our unworthiness.
Many of us hesitate when called to serve God because we feel unworthy. However, today’s readings show that God doesn’t call the perfect—He perfects those He calls.
In the first reading, Isaiah has a vision of God’s majesty. Overwhelmed by his sinfulness, he cries, “Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5). But after an angel purifies him with a burning coal, he responds, “Here I am, send me.”
Paul, in the second reading, recalls how he once persecuted Christians. Yet, by God’s grace, he becomes an apostle. No past sin is too great for God to transform into a testimony.
In the Gospel, Peter and his companions toil all night without catching fish. But at Jesus’ word, they make a miraculous catch.
We are all called – Not just priests and religious leaders, but every Christian is called to evangelize in their family, workplace, and community. Don’t let past failures stop you – Like Paul and Peter, our weaknesses should not keep us from answering God’s call. Obedience brings fruitfulness – Peter obeyed Jesus despite doubt and witnessed a miracle. Trusting God’s word in our lives will also bring spiritual fruit.
Isaiah was fearful, Paul was a sinner, and Peter was just a fisherman. But each, by God’s grace, became a powerful witness. May we trust in God’s grace, let go of our fears, and say, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” Amen.
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A warm welcome to the new families in Our Parish
St. Joseph’s Parish is now accepting e-transfers. Please use the email address and it will be deposited directly into our account. We also will continue to accept donations through direct deposit (please contact the parish at 613-547-5004 for a sign-up sheet), cash and cheque. Thank you for your continued support.
Grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ through liturgy, Eucharistic worship and outreach, Saint Joseph’s Parish calls the faithful to an active involvement in parish life and responsible participation in extending Christ-like values to the wider community.